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CSG Test Prep Program

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Do you want to go to graduate school?


The Central Student Government is here to help! While popular test prep programs charge hundreds to thousands of dollars, the Central Student Government has designed a low-cost effective test prep program for students pursuing graduate and doctoral degrees. The goal of this program is to offer top-notch instruction, help students reach their maximum score and build a supportive network for young professionals.

We are committed to making higher education more accessible and helping students succeed. Cost should not deter students from registering for this program. Our instructors understand the many barriers a pre-professional, pre-law and pre-medicine student may encounter. They have been exactly where you are and want to let you know you can conquer this test. Through their own journeys, success and setbacks, they are here to guide you on your journey!


The W'22 cohort will prepare students for the end of May to June LSAT and MCAT exams. The cost of the LSAT and MCAT Program (instruction plus resources) is $299 and $499, respectively. Classes will begin the week of February 21. Classes will be held virtually on weekday evenings. The deadline to register is Thursday, February 17. 

Summer 2022 LSAT Test Prep Deadlines

Start Date: Week of May 22, 2022

Intended Test Date: August 12, 2022


5/9 - Student Registration Opens

TBD - Information Session

5/9 - Last day to register

5/11 - Deadline for Fee Waiver Application 

5/22 - Start of LSAT Prep Program

6/3 - Deadline to finalize fee waiver

6/3 - Deadline for withdrawing period

Summer 2022 MCAT Test Prep Deadlines

Start Date: Week of May 22, 2022

Intended Test Date: August 20 & 26


5/9- Student Registration Opens

TBD - Information Session

5/9 - Last day to register

5/11 - Deadline for Fee Waiver Application 

5/22 - Start of MCAT Prep Program

6/3- Deadline to finalize fee waiver

6/3 - Deadline for withdrawing period

Summer 2022 GRE Test Prep Deadlines

Start Date: Week of June 6

Intended Test Date: Beginning of August 2022


5/23 - Student Registration Opens

TBD - Information Session

5/23 - Last day to register

5/25 - Deadline for Fee Waiver Application 

6/6 - Start of GRE Prep Program

6/17 - Deadline to finalize fee waiver

6/17 - Deadline for withdrawing period

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Test Prep FAQs

Who is the CSG Test Prep Program For?

This program is for any University of Michigan student who is pursuing graduate, law, or medical admission and is planning to take the GRE, LSAT or MCAT exams. 


Students interested in taking the MCAT course must also have completed all medical school admissions prerequisites:

  • One year of Biology with labs

  • One year of Physics with labs

  • Two years of Chemistry, one of which must be Organic Chemistry, both with labs

  • Biochemistry, Statistics and Biostatistics are highly recommended but not required.


Why should I sign up for the CSG Test Prep Program? 

Do you want to go to graduate, medical, or law school? The Central Student Government is here to help! While popular test prep programs charge thousands of dollars, the Central Student Government  has designed a low-cost effective test prep program for students pursuing graduate and doctoral degrees. The goal of this program is to offer top-notch instruction, help students reach their maximum score and build a supportive network for young professionals.


We are committed to making higher education more accessible and helping students succeed. Cost should not deter students from registering for this program. Our instructors understand the many barriers a pre-law and pre-medicine student or student pursuing graduate/doctorate degrees may encounter. They have been exactly where you are and want to let you know you can conquer this test. Through their own journeys, success and failures, they are here to guide you on your journey!


Who are the instructors? 

All instructors are University of Michigan students. Some of the instructors are students at Rackham Graduate School, Medical School and Law School. All instructors are all top scorers and have extensive teaching and mentorship experience. They understand how difficult the GRE/LSAT/MCAT exam can be. Their goal is to help you succeed. 


How will the course be structured?

The GRE course will last 8 weeks. There will be 2 one-and-a-half-hour classes each week. Each class will have one or two instructors.


The LSAT course will last 10 weeks. There will be 2 two-hour-long sessions each week. Each class will have one instructor. 


The MCAT Course will last 12 weeks. There will be 2-to-3 one-and-a-half-long sessions each week. Each class will have three instructors. 


Students will receive presentation slides for each class and be required to complete homework assignments. All assignments will come from the included resources (ETS Powerprep Plus Online bundle, LSAT: Prep Plus Online and MCAT: AAMC Bundle or NextStep exams). Class sessions will be recorded, but attendance is highly encouraged to get the most out of the class. 


Do we have to purchase the resources?

The resources included in the Test Prep Program Costs are essential for the program. Instruction helps, but in order to succeed in test prep, practice is needed. By using test-maker materials, students will gain a better sense of test language and will be able to develop more accurate testing strategies. 


How many students will be in each class?

Each class will have 13-16 students. 


How much does the program cost?

These are the following program costs as of February 2022 (subject to change) and include the instructor cost as well as some of the required resources.


  • GRE - $165

  • LSAT - $299

  • MCAT - $499


100% of student costs goes towards instructors’ compensation and test practice resources.


If you already have access to any of these bundles, you do not have to purchase them again. If you qualify for Financial Assistance through ETS, LSAC or AAMC (Additional Resources), you will also not have to purchase these resources through the CSG Test Prep Program. Please indicate on the registration form if either of these situations pertain to you. 


What is the payment process?

After students register for the course AND sign the student contract, we will work with the Financial Aid Office to charge your Bursar account.


How will fee waivers be allocated?

For the Winter 2022 term, CSGTP will distribute a limited number $100 fee waivers to students on a first-come-first-serve basis. Students who are not eligible for test maker financial assistance programs may be eligible for a $150 fee waiver. Fee Waivers will only be applied to instructors' fees. Students who are Pell Grant eligible should apply to the LSAC and AAMC Fee Assistance Programs for additional financial assistance on LSAT/MCAT practice materials.


If you are Pell Grant eligible and would like to apply for the CSG Test Prep fee waiver of $100/$150, please complete this form: This will allow the CSG Program Manager to verify your eligibility with the Office of Financial Aid.


How can I find out more information about the ETS/LSAC/AAMC Fee Assistance program? 


Fee Assistance Program award approval is tied directly to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' poverty level guidelines. In 2022, you will be granted fee assistance if each household reported on your application has a 2021 total family income that is 400 percent or less than the 2021 national poverty level for that family size. Please refer to the AAMC website for the specific Fee Assistance Program poverty guidelines. We encourage all applicants to complete the Fee Assistance Application to determine if you are eligible.


ETS offers a limited number of GRE Fee Reduction Vouchers on a first-come, first-served basis to U.S. citizens or resident aliens who are college seniors or unenrolled college graduates who meet eligibility requirements and are planning to take a GRE test in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam or U.S. Virgin Islands.

To apply for a GRE Fee Reduction Voucher, complete the GRE Fee Reduction Request form (PDF) and follow the instructions on the form regarding the submission of materials to ETS. Voucher numbers are sent to recipients via email within two weeks of ETS approval of the request.


LSAC (LSAT): The LSAC fee waiver program is an accessibility initiative that is available for law school candidates who cannot afford to pay for the LSAT and the Credential Assembly Service. For more information and how to apply, please visit the LSAC Fee Waivers for the LSAT & Credential Assembly Service (CAS) Page.   


How will students get chosen? 

Due to limited capacity, spots will be filled on a first-come first-serve basis. Students interested in the MCAT students must have completed all pre-medical course requirements. Please keep in mind that multiple sessions will be held during the year. 


Will the program be held later in the year? 

As of now, the CSG Test Prep Team would like to hold three sessions every year: one during the Fall semester, one during the Winter Semester, and one during the Spring/Semester summer. These sessions are intended to help students prepare for the January, May and August exams. We recommend that students sign up for the program closest to their anticipated exam date.


How can I find out more information about the program? 

Attend an Information Session! 

Spring/Summer 2022 Information Sessions 

  • Dates & Times - TBD


To sign up for an informational session, please sign up through the CSG Test Prep Program Informational Sessions Event.


I still have a question. 

Fill out our question form! Due to our staffing limitations, it may take up to 3 days for us to get an answer back to you.


Looking for a way to contribute? Have talents that you think can make CSG better? Shoot us an email at


You can also reach us at
Phone: 734-763-3241
Fax: 734-763-7854
Office: 3011 Michigan Union

 530 S State, Ann Arbor, MI 48109

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