Central Student Government's Assembly met on Tuesday, January 18th at 7:32 p.m. on Zoom with 31 voting members present. The recap may be found here.
Consent Agenda
Ratify Agenda
Ratify Minutes from the 27th Meeting of the 11th Assembly
Elections, Confirmations, and Recalls
Confirmation of Lauren Billnitzer as Co-Chief Programming Officer - CONFIRMED UNANIMOUSLY
Confirmation of Bipasha Ray as Co-Chief Programming Officer - CONFIRMED UNANIMOUSLY
New Business
AR 11-054: A Procedural Resolution to Make Corrections to the Compiled Code and Operating Procedures Reflecting Changes Ordered in CA 11-001 - REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEES
AR 11-055: A Procedural Resolution to Amend the Compiled Code to Create Parties and for Creating a Public Elections Fund in an Attempt to Increase Turnout, Engagement, and Equity among the Campaigning Process - REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEES
AR 11-056: A Declarative Resolution for Central Student Government at the University of Michigan to Support and Endorse the Municipalization of the Ann Arbor Power Grid from DTE - REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEES
Old Business
AR 11-050: A Procedural Resolution to Amend the Operating Procedure to Add a Provision for the Operations of Runoff Elections - PASSED UNANIMOUSLY
Identity-Based Training - Disability Culture
Rules Committee
Resolutions Committee
Communications Committee (agenda)
Finance Committee
Student Organization Committee
Executive Report - Grace Roberts
Election Director Report - Taylor Quick
Executive Nominations Report - Aarushi Ganguly
New Business
AR 11-057: A Resolution to Enact a Budget for the Current Operations of Central Student Government - REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEES
AR 11-058: Procedural and Directive Resolution To Authorize the Creation of a Task Force Charged with Seeking, Vetting, and Recommending a Candidate for Being the Fifteenth President of the University of Michigan - REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEES
Adjourned at 11:13 p.m. with 25 voting members present. The Assembly will reconvene on Tuesday, January 25th at 7:30 p.m.