Central Student Government's Assembly met on February 9, 2021 at 7:32 p.m. via Zoom with 28 voting members present. The recap may be found here.
Guest Speaker- Chris Sandler, Chair of SOC
Executive Team
COVID-19 Task Force
Resolutions Committee
Rules Committee
Finance Committee
Communications Committee
Speaker Report
Member Report- Hayden Jackson
Member Report- Sam Burnstein
Old Business
AR 10-039: A Declarative and Appropriations Resolution to Institute Systemic Changes Within Central Student Government to Advance Ideals of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion- passed via unanimous consent
AR 10-040: A Procedural Resolution to Clarify and Improve the Elections Code- passed via unanimous consent (amended to clarify the appointment of the UMPD Oversight Committee member)
AR 10-041: An Appropriations Resolution to Create a CSG COVID-19 Fund Operating Through the Dean’s Office- passed via unanimous consent
AR 10-038: A Declarative Resolution to call for Regent Ron Weiser’s Resignation- referred back to Communications Committee
Motions and Other Business
Finance Request W01 - RSG Microgrants (Liu)- passed via unanimous consent
Operations budget amendment (Jackson)- passed via unanimous consent
WCG (Jackson)- Wolverine Consulting Group membership application approval passed via unanimous consent in an advisory role; Wolverine Consulting Group funding criteria approval passed via unanimous consent in an advisory role; Wolverine Consulting Group funding schedule approval passed via unanimous consent in an advisory role
Adjourned at 9:56 p.m. with 29 voting members present. The Assembly will meet next on February 16, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom.