Central Student Government’s Assembly met on Tuesday, August 10 at 7:32 p.m. with 26 voting members present via videoconference. You can find the recap here.
Consent agenda
Motion to Ratify the Agenda
Motion to Ratify the Minutes from the 8th Meeting of the 12th Assembly on July 12th, 2022
Elections, Confirmations, and Recalls
Confirmation of Thomas Hendricks as Assistant Director of the SOC
Confirmed unanimously
Confirmation of Ethics Committee Members
Jacob Amspaugh, LSA
Ethan Neff, LSA
Confirmed unanimously
New Business
AR 12-013: Amendments to the Election Code
Committee: Rules
Sponsor: Schmanski
Referred back to committees
AR 12-014: Select Committee on Social Media Review
Committees: Communications, Rules
Sponsors: Zimmerman, Hillman, Schmanski
Referred back to committees
AR 12-016: Additional SOFC Deadline Flexibility
Committees: Rules, Finance
Sponsors: Periakaruppan, Thaqi
Referred back to committees
Old Business
AR 12-010: Establishment of a Disability Identity Based Workshop Requirement for CSG
Committee: Rules
Sponsors: O’Connell, Ganguly
Passed unanimously
AR 12-011: Establishment of a Disability Empowerment, Advocacy, and Service Scholarship Task Force
Committees: Communications, Rules, Finance
Sponsors: Zimmerman, Hilmman, O’Connell, Ganguly
Passed unanimously
Guest report - Lucy Peterson, GEO Housing Caucus Chair
Elections, confirmations, and recalls
Recall of Emma Sklar, LSA
debate, vote 0-23-2, recall failed
Motions and other business
Motion to Appoint Students of Michigan Executive Delegate, Akhila Mullapudi, as an Ex-oficio member of the Assembly - Jacob Amspaugh
passed unanimously
Motion to Approve Chief Programming Officer, Arden Haggin, as an Authorized Signer for CSG - Jacob Amspaugh
passed unanimously
SSBA-03 - Karthik Pasupula
passed unanimously
SSBA-04 - Karthik Pasupula, Zena Nasiri
passed unanimously
Adjourned at 9:49 p.m. with 26 members present.
The Assembly will reconvene August 23, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. via videoconference.