Central Student Government's Assembly met on April 13, 2021 at 7:32 p.m. via Zoom with 38 voting members present. The recap may be found here.
Guest Speaker - Jacob Podell, Central Student Judiciary (CSJ)
Guest Speaker - Taylor Lansey, Student Organization Funding Committee (SOFC)
Rules Committee
Resolutions Committee
Communications Committee
Finance Committee
Student Organization Committee
Executive Report from Nithya Arun and Carla Voigt
Speaker Report - Annie Mintun
Elections, Confirmations, and Recalls
Election of the 5 SMPSEC Steering Committee Members: Maya Millette, Elisa Simon, Emma Sandberg, Erin Wade, and Aarushi Ganguly- confirmed via presidential signature
Confirmation of DJ Jain as Chief Programming Officer
Confirmation of Daniela Martinez as Communications Director
Confirmation of Bharat Koripella as Treasurer
Old Business:
AR 11-001: A Procedural Resolution to Amend, Authorize, and Incorporate Various Aspects of the Standing Rules of the 10th Assembly- passed via unanimous consent
New Business:
AR 11-004: A Procedural Resolution to Codify Practices to Enhance the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity of Central Student Government- referred back to committee
Adjourned at 11:32 p.m. with 38 voting members present.