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The Central Student Government has three main governing documents. These include the Constitution, Compiled Code, and Operating Procedures of the Student Assembly.
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The Constitution was ratified in 2010 by students at-large and dramatically changed the structure to what it is today. Apart from declaring the structure of the Central Student Government, the Constitution also defines its relation to other student governments, student organizations and enumerates basic student rights.

Past and Present Legislation
Assembly | Resolution | Name | Result | Vote (Yes,No,Abstain) | Date |
14th Assembly | AR 14-001 | A Declarative Resolution Calling on the University to Defund the UMPD; to Disclose
All Investments; and to Divest from Apartheid, Genocide, Policing, and the Imperial
War Machine | Pass | 23 Yes, 11 No, 5 Abstain | 04/24/2024 |
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