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Important information to review before proceeding to application

We know you have plenty to read for your classes, but we would appreciate your attention for just a moment before you apply for funding.

  • SOFC operates on a reimbursement basis. At this time, we are unable to give you the money we awarded unless you already paid for something and you can show a payment from an account, whether that is your SOAS account, personal credit card or bank account, or some other payment. We can't pay invoices, payment requests, etc. 

    • To be clear: We can absolutely give you an award before you pay for something. We just can't transfer the money until you show payment.

  • We only make transfers directly to your SOAS account. We do not reimburse students directly, nor will we make direct payments to vendors.

  • We accept only one application per organization per wave. You can apply on an application for an unlimited number of expenses, and you can apply during each wave, but we do not accept multiple applications for the same organization in the same wave.

  • We only consider funding expenses for the current semester, with a brief backdating period to the end of last semester (after the last application cycle for the alternative funding source closed). For Winter 2025, this means that your proof of payment must show a payment date sometime between November 21 and April 20. If expenses are after April 20, 2025, please apply during the spring/summer term. If they are before November 21, 2024, we regret that we cannot fund those expenses anymore. Note that you can't apply for the same expense twice.


Most importantly, you must regularly review our funding policies at this link. Whether you read them or not, we will hold you and your organization accountable to them. We never want to take action against your organization to enforce these policies, but to ensure the integrity of our process, we have to uphold these as fairly and equitably as possible.


A final note: last winter we received $1.2 million in requests. Because of the ever-increasing costs of goods and services due to inflation and the fact that our $11.19 per semester fee has not kept up with inflation over the past decade, we do not anticipate having enough funds to cover even a quarter of the requests we receive, even if we have historically been able to award your organization a relatively stable amount of funding. Please know that a small award or a funding denial is not necessarily a reflection of the quality of your application or the importance of your programming; rather, it is likely due to factors far outside our control. Regardless, we hope that if we can provide some funding, that it is helpful to you.


By continuing to the funding application, you are acknowledging our funding policies, including but not limited to:


Expense eligibility period

Community Leadership Training

Proof of payment and other deadlines

> 1

One application per org per wave

Proof of payment requirement and policies

Reapplying for same expense prohibited

Sustainable events policy

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