Student Organization Committee
The Student Organization Committee (SOC) oversees the Central Student Government's work in providing financial assistance and appropriating funds to student organizations across campus. The SOC is made up of the Student Organization Funding Committee and Wolverine Consulting Group.
Student Organization Funding?
Student Organization Funding Committee
The Student Organization Funding Committee (SOFC) is the organization which appropriates funding to recognized student organizations. SOFC considers funding requests for student organizations and their events, activities, and initiatives under the guidelines, SOFC distributes funds to student organizations upon receptions of receipts.
Student Organization start-up costs or workshops?
Wolverine Consulting Group
Wolverine Consulting Group (WCG) provides consulting services and start-up funds for student organizations on campus. By working constructively with student organizations, WCG's mission is to aid these groups in achieving their full potential. WCG allocates funds directly to organizations on a non-reimbursement basis.
WCG also offers a variety of other services such as marketing, recruitment strategy, DEI workshops, fundraising and more!
Our Policies
We have several policies governing our funding distribution in place. We have created a webpage with an overview of all these policies. In addition, we have new policies relating to equity and inclusion in effect as of fall semester 2022, and have created a page with an overview of those policies.
Need something else?
If you can't find what you're looking for here, or are having any issues with CSG student organization related services, or just want ot talk about student organizations at the University of Michigan, we want to speak with you!
Email the Student Organization Committee Director at csg.studentorgs@umich.edu with any questions, comments, or concerns you might have about CSG or the University in general, or to set up a meeting.